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What is a pure resistance circuit? What is a pure inductance circuit?

什么是纯电阻电路?什么是纯电感电路?什么是纯电阻电路? 交流电路的负载一般用电阻R、电感L及电容C三个基本元件表示。如果忽略电感L、电容C两个因素,只考虑电阻R的作用,这样的电路称为纯电阻电路,如图1所示。图1纯电阻电路在纯电阻电路中,当电压一定 ...JFEM500v电机引接线JFEM1140V电机引出线江苏春晨

What is a pure resistance circuit? What is a pure inductance circuit? What is a pure resistance circuit? The load of an AC circuit is usually represented by three basic elements, such as resistance R, inductance L and capacitance C. If the two factors of inductance L and capacitance C are ignored, only the effect of resistance R is considered, such a circuit is called a pure resistance circuit, as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 a pure resistance circuit in a pure resistance circuit, when the voltage is certain...

2017-10-23 16:07

2017-10-23 16:07


The effective value and average value of sinusoidal alternating current

正弦交流电的有效值和平均值假设将交流电和直流电分别通过阻值相同的电阻,如果在相同的时间内,这两种电流产生相同的热量,就把这时的直流电的数值称为交流电的有效值。通过计算得出,正弦交流电的电流、电压、电动势的有效值均为其最大值的1/ ...

The effective and average values of the sinusoidal alternating current assume that the alternating current and the direct current will be resisted by the same resistance respectively. If the two currents generate the same heat in the same time, the value of the direct current will be called the effective value of the alternating current. Through calculation, the effective value of the current, voltage and electromotive force of the sinusoidal alternating current is 1/ of its maximum value.

2017-10-23 16:05

2017-10-23 16:05


Analysis of the operation and maintenance technology of electrical equipment

在电气设备正式投入使用以后,需要做好相应的运行维护工作,保证电气设备良好的性能,发挥电气设备重要的作用。下面就针对电气设备运行维护技术展开论述。 (1)在进行电气设备维护过程中,要坚持安全预防的原则,制 ...

After the electrical equipment has been put into use, the corresponding operation and maintenance work needs to be done to ensure the good performance of the electrical equipment and give full play to the important role of the electrical equipment. The following is a discussion on the operation and maintenance technology of electrical equipment. (1) in the process of maintenance of electrical equipment, the principle of safety prevention should be adhered to.

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