

价格:面议 2020-06-26 02:00:01 275次浏览

【供应铜矿砂金刚砂薛先生136/6726/9191】 喷砂用金刚砂 95含量棕刚玉磨料金刚砂简介

棕刚玉、黑刚玉、白刚玉、碳化硅统称金刚砂,是用矾土、碳素材料、铁屑三种原料在电炉中经过融化还原而制得的人造刚玉,故为此名。金刚砂主要化学成份是AL2O3,其含量在94.5%-97%,另含有少量的Fe,Si,Ti等,它是经磨机粉碎整形,磁选去铁,筛分成多种粒度,其质地致密、硬度高,粒形状,适用于制造陶瓷、树脂砂轮磨具以及研磨、抛光、喷砂、精密铸造等,还可用于制造高级耐火材料、耐磨地坪等、有较好的切削性能。 主要供货区域:





Introduction of silicon carbide

Brown corundum, black corundum, white corundum, silicon carbide known as carborundum, is made of alumina, carbon materials, scrap iron three kinds of raw materials in electric furnace melting reduction of artificial corundum, reason for this name.Emery main chemical composition is AL2O3, and its content from 94.5% to 94.5%, the other contains a small amount of Fe, Si, Ti, etc., it is by the mill grinding plastic, magnetic separation to iron, screen is divided into a variety of particle size, dense texture, high hardness, grain shape, suitable for making ceramic, resin grinding wheel abrasive and grinding, polishing, sandblasting, precision casting, etc., can also be used in the manufacture of high-grade refractory materials, wear resistant floors and other, good cutting performance.



Emery specifications

0 to 1 mm, 1-3 mm, 3-5 mm, 5-8 mm, 36 yard, 46, 60 mesh, 80 mesh, 100 mesh, 80 mesh, 150 mesh, 180 mesh, 200 mesh, 220 mesh, 220 mesh, 1200 mesh and all kinds of powder, can adjust the production according to customer's request.

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