

价格:12 2019-08-01 02:04:02 371次浏览

1【产品定义】Product definition

透水地坪也被称为生态透水地坪、透水混凝土、无砂混凝土等, 是采用骨料碎石,胶结料,添加剂,水泥,水等经过均匀搅拌,摊铺成路面。具有比传统混凝土更高的强度和耐久性,能满足结构物力学性能、使用功能以及使用年限的要求,具有与自然环境的协调性,减轻对地球和生态环境的负荷,实现非再生型资源可循环性使用。

The permeable floor is also known as the ecological permeable floor, permeable concrete, sand-free concrete, etc.. It uses aggregate gravel, glue, additives, cement, water, etc., which are evenly stirred and spread to the road surface. It has higher strength and durability than traditional concrete, can meet the requirements of structural mechanical properties, function, and service life, has harmony with the natural environment, reduces the load on the earth and the ecological environment, and realizes the recycling of non-renewable resources. use.

2【骨料规格】Sand and Stone Specifications

1 、选用的集料(石子)的性能指标应符合现行国家规范《建筑用卵石、碎石》GB/T1465中的二级要求。

The performance indicators of the selected aggregate(stone) should meet the secondary requirements in the current national standard "Pebbles and gravel for construction" GB/T1465.

2 、适用于轻型车以及广场方案的骨料规格:





The aggregate specifications applicable to light vehicles and square schemes:

Surface layer: 40-60mm

Surface layer: 60-100mm

Sand cushion layer: 30-40mm

Gravel cushion layer: 150-200mm

3 、适用于重型车辆方案的骨料规格:




Bound specifications applicable to heavy vehicle programmes:

Water permeable layer: 50-80mm

permeable bottom layer: 150-220mm

gravel cushion layer: 200-400mm

3【技术参数】Product definition

基层强度 C20-C40

Base strength C20-C40

耐磨性 > 1.10


耐冲压性 > 35

Stamping resistance>35


Acid-resistant alkaline:C class

透水性 >100mm/s

Water permeability>100mm/s

透水系数 > 4.0

Permeability factor > 4.0

降噪系数 > 6

Noise reduction factor>6

拌合物 5mm-50mm

Blend 5mm -50mm

抗折性 > 4.5

Fluctuation resistance> 4.5

吸声系数 > 0.30

Sound absorption coefficient>0.30

初凝时间 > 2H

Coagulation time> 2H

空隙率 10%-20%

Gap rate10%-20%

扛冻融循环 > D100

Cold melt cycle > D100

4【产品优势】Product Advantages


High permeability: The permeable floor has 15 % -25 % of pores, allowing the permeable speed to reach 31-52 L/m • hours, which is much higher than the rate of discharge of the most effective rainfall under the best drainage configuration.


High bearing capacity: After being certified by the National inspection agency, the carrying capacity of the permeable floor can completely reach the load standard of C20-C25 concrete, which is higher than the carrying capacity of the general permeable brick.


Good decoration effect: the water-permeable floor has a color optimization ratio scheme, can cooperate with the designer's unique creativity, realizes the decoration style required by different environments and personalities, this is the general permeable brick is difficult to achieve.


Easy to maintain: The problem of pore blockage that people worry about is unnecessary. The unique permeable paving system allows it to be easily solved by high-pressure washing.


Antifreeze melt property: The permeability pavement has stronger antifreeze and melt ability than the general concrete pavement, and it will not be affected by the cold and melt surface fracture because its structure itself has larger pores.


Durability: The durability and wear resistance of the permeable floor is better than that of asphalt, close to the ordinary floor, and avoids the disadvantages such as the short service life and uneconomical existence of the gen

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