

价格:12000 2019-10-04 09:12:01 1276次浏览


山东冠洲股份有限公司经营冷轧板、镀锌板、彩涂板、镀铝锌硅板、连续退火板、中宽带、自蔓燃陶瓷复合钢管、高性能稀土钕铁硼永磁制品及环保设备等高科技产品。公司冠洲牌镀锌板 冠洲牌彩涂板被评为山东名牌产品冠洲牌商标被评为山东省著名商标。公司已为山东省高新技术企业,山东省百强民营企业,国家科技创新示范单位,全国上规模五百强民营企业,中国生命力十大民营企业之一。企业产品销往全国二十多个省市,并且远销俄罗斯、加拿大、香港等国家和地区,产品在国际市场上享有盛誉。

China’s ShanDong GuanZhoucolor coated sheet is of high strength, strong firmness, good rain resistance, consistent rolling, good corrosion resistance, low time cost, and construction cost, and it is easy and convenient to install and dismantle. it is used widely in architecture, such as modern yard design, large industrial workshop, modern large airport, large gymnasium, and prefabricating heat insulation sandwich panel, etc. with the development of light industry, transportation, and shipbuilding, the application of color coated sheet develops from building material to automobile manufacturing, inner decoration of ships, household electrical appliance, furniture, container, and cooker, etc. and it is the new substitute of sprayed steel sheet.

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