

价格:面议 2023-08-24 02:11:01 134次浏览

First of all, horoscope is only a way that shows people’s prediction through the findings of natural facts or situations. In other words, there is no scientific studies have shown support for the accuracy of horoscope or astrology. It is true that astrology owned a long history and it could trace its roots to the 17th century (Koch-Westenholz, 1995). At that time, astrologers would collect a great amount of data or facts to deduce the relationship between human affairs and terrestrial events. In order to testify the accuracy of astrology and horoscope, scientists conduct a lot of experiments or tests to find out the truth of astrology. For example, by conducting double-blind tests of astrology, all tests showed that there is “no effect beyond pure chance” (Carlson, 1985) in theories of horoscope. For example, scientists conducted a test which required people to finish a questionnaire on his own personality. The questionnaire included all description on individuals’ characters or personality. Then we send the questionnaire to astrologers without telling them the horoscope of participants. If astrologers could tell the horoscope of each individual from the description of their personality, it could be concluded that horoscope show its effects and accuracy. However, the results of the test did not prove the accuracy of horoscope. Thus, horoscope is only a way that shows people’s prediction through the findings of natural facts or situations and the interpretations of horoscope are inaccurate deduction without any scientific supports.

首先,占星术只是通过发现自然事实或情况来显示人们预测的一种方式。换句话说,没有科学研究支持占星术或占星术的准确性。占星术确实拥有悠久的历史,它可以追溯到17世纪(科赫-韦斯顿霍尔兹,1995)。在那个时候,占星家会收集大量的数据或事实来推断人类事务和地球事件之间的关系。为了证明占星术和占星术的准确性,科学家们进行了大量的实验或测试,以找出占星术的真相。例如,通过对占星术进行双盲检验,所有的检验都表明,在占星术理论中,“除了纯粹的偶然之外,没有任何影响”(Carlson, 1985)。例如,科学家进行了一项测试,要求人们完成一份关于自己性格的问卷。问卷包含了对个人性格或性格的所有描述。然后我们把调查问卷发给占星家,而不告诉他们参与者的星座。如果占星家可以从每个人的性格描述中分辨出他们的星座,那么就可以得出结论,占星术显示出它的效果和准确性。然而,测试结果并不能证明占星术的准确性。因此,占星术只是人们通过自然事实或情况的发现来显示预测的一种方式,对占星术的解释是不准确的演绎,没有任何科学依据。



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