

我公司是新疆生产建设兵团大力扶持的新兴环保型能源企业。主要以CNG、LNG气体为主要气源,涵盖城镇居民用气、商服用气、工业用气和加油加气站的经营,具备完整的天然气产业链条;拥有在国家西气东输二线上的开口权以及新疆生产建设兵团范围内一定区域的特许经营权,有充足的气源保障和广阔的下游市场。现公司拟扩大经营规模,抢占资源和市场,打造新疆生产建设兵团旗舰型能源企业,诚邀国内外实力雄厚、具有战略发展眼光的企业和个人投资入股,互利双赢,共谋大业。 有意者,请于蒋先生联系。联系电话:。OUR company is the xinjiang production and construction corps strongly support the emerging and environmentally friendly energy companies. Mainly in CNG, LNG gas as the main gas source, covering urban residents ShangFu gas, gas, industrial gas and gas stations, with complete natural gas industry chain; Has the national open right on the second line of west-east gas as well as certain areas within the scope of the xinjiang production and construction corps franchise, there is plenty of air supply security and broad downstream market. The company plans to expand the scale of operation, resources and market, to build the xinjiang production and construction corps flagship energy companies, we sincerely invite domestic and foreign strength and strategic development vision, the enterprise and individual investment, mutual benefit and win-win, collusion. If you are interested, please contact with Mr. Jiang. Contact phone number: .


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