深圳市多富菱实业发展有限公司是深圳市专业从事工业、民用各系列冷却塔的设计、生产、安装、销售及维修一体化大型专业公司。本公司拥有一批高级技术及管理人才,积极与国内大专院校、科研院所及港台、美日同行进行广泛的技术交流与合作。引进国外先进的冷却塔开发设计、测试、生产技术。推进新一代富菱牌圆形逆流式(CT系列);方形横流式(RT系列)冷却塔。技术,性能超群,质量保证,使用放心。本系列产品广泛适用于空调、电子、电力、石油化工、化肥、食品、治金等行业的冷却水循环系统。本产品畅销全国各地及海外地区。 COMP ANY BACKGROUND Shen Zhen Fu Ling CO., LTD. Has been committed to maintaining the business combination of high quality products and fine quality series. Through introducing sophisticated technologies and equipment from America and Japan in cooling tower and glass fiber products manufacture, it has succesfully produced"FU LING" CT/RT/RNT contra flow cooling tower series.Which are made according toGB7910.1-97 Standard and come out additionally poular in the country"FU LING"Cooling ttower are now widely used for the coling circulatory water system in refrigeration system,air-conditioning system light industry chemical industry electric industry and electric power industry. 主营产品有:冷却塔 电机 水泵 填料(胶片) 配件 来自勤加缘网: